From VC's Desk

From Vice-Chancellor's Desk

Rani Rashmoni Green University is a state-aided university that is focused on facilitating social and cultural changes necessary for creating a sustainable world through education. Established in the year 2018, it fulfils a long-cherished dream of our Hon’ble Chief Minister that Bengal should have a world class university not only with a curriculum that encourages and promotes sustainable development but also with a campus that embodies environmental sustainability in everyday life paving the way for a cleaner, healthier and safer planet. To achieve this goal, it is imperative to have a curriculum which undertakes the study and research of environmental science and related disciplines. 

The year 2020 was a difficult year for all of us but in spite of all odds we started our academic activities in the midst of the global pandemic introducing Post-Graduate courses in Environmental Science and Chemistry and this first batch of students have passed out in July 2022. The performance of the students of Chemistry deserves special mention. Three students of Chemistry were enlisted among the successful candidates for the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2021 examination. One of these students ranked quite high and was selected for the M.Tech course at IIT Kharagpur as well as at IIT Hyderabad. As far as publication is concerned, review work of two students of chemistry have been accepted for publication in Elsevier journal and that of student has been submitted for publication in a journal of International repute [Scopus and Web of Science indexed]. A few more students are expected to submit review work in such journals shortly. The placement initiative of the University is encouraging. Two companies have already recruited four of our students and other companies have also evinced interest in recruiting our students. The University is offering four other Post-Graduate courses: M.A in Bengali, M.A. in English, M.Sc. in Computer Science and M.Sc. in Nutrition and Public Health since last year (2021).    

The first phase of the construction of our campus is over with the completion of the boundary wall and in the second phase the construction of the academic building has started. In the days to come, the campus will have energy and water efficient buildings, green classrooms and labs. The ideals of excellence in learning, research and innovation continue to be our driving force. We would nurture leadership qualities and inculcate a sense of responsibility towards the environment in our students and instil empathy in them for the marginalized and disadvantaged members of the society.

Prof. Ashutosh Ghosh
Rani Rashmoni Green University